Don’t Forget About Texture for Your Next Home Redesign - Nuenza

If you’re about to embark on a design remodel of your kitchen, bathroom, or living space, your head is probably filled with different colour palette combinations that would suit your new rooms perfectly. But did you know that texture can have as much of an impact on a room as colour? Textures can add depth, complexity, comfort, or austerity. Even though you won’t necessarily touch everything you put in the room, just imagining what something feels like can affect you. When you’re making your final colour choices, don’t forget to incorporate textures into your design. If that sounds terrifying, don’t worry. It’s easy!

Texture for Warmth and Comfort

The best way to build a room that’s welcoming, warm, and comfortable is to add rich textiles. Rugs can turn a cold family room into a relaxing and comfortable place to hang out. Shag or fur pillows complement the supple, bare quality of a leather couch and make it more appealing. The richness of a linen tablecloth makes any kitchen feel cozy and homey. Most rooms in your home are designed to be inviting. If you don’t feel comfortable somewhere in your house, take a look around and ask yourself if that room could use a bit of texture.

When you mix the right texture and colours you’ll start to notice that your room looks complete and put together. Just remember, it’s not always about what we see, it’s about what we feel.

Texture for Bathrooms

Bathrooms aren’t only for taking baths. They’re also for taking care of the not-so-clean things in our daily lives, which means that when we step into a bathroom, we don’t want to be so overwhelmed by texture that we start to picture a million germs all over every surface. For your bathroom to feel and look clean but interesting, we suggest using a unique texture pattern for your bathroom tiles and using as many fluffy towels as possible. These small details still allow the overall mood of the room to be sterile while breathing life into your bathroom.

Living Textiles

You might not think of them this way, but plants, flowers, and twigs are great for adding texture to any room. There are so many plants to choose from that you can easily find a species that fits the design and size of your space. Plus, plants give you a friendly pop of colour and they (literally) breathe vitality into a room. Hang an air plant in front of your bathroom window, display a bushel of the plumpest pinecones as a fall decoration, or simply use interesting foliage and twigs to create an all-season centrepiece. Please your senses by collecting fresh flowers from the garden or market. Using flowers—even silk ones—to add texture gives you a wide variety of colour options.

No matter what style of texture you choose, the most important thing to remember is that people should feel invited to come into your home. Do you have a question about texture, style, or colour? Contact Cuisines Nuenza or request a free consultation today.